Hot and Sour Soup


* Chicken stock cubes 2 * Shreded chicken 1/2 cup * Cornflour 2 tsp * Finely chopped Cabbage 1/2 cup * Finely chopped Spring onions 1/3 cup * Soya sauce 1 tsp * Chilli sauce as per taste * Tomato ketchup 2 tbsp * Vinegar 2 tbsp * 1 beaten egg. * Finely chopped green chillies 1-2
Preparation Method: 
Boil a litre of water. Add chicken stock cubes. Add shreded chicken, green chillies and cabbage. Cook for 5-6 minutes. Add a pinch of sugar, salt and black pepper each. Add all the sauces. Make a thick paste of cornflour in cold water. Gradually add cornflour to the boiling soup. Cook for a couple of minutes. Add beaten egg very slowly to the soup, keep stirring the soup while adding egg. Turn off the heat. Add spring onions. Serve very hot.
Chef's Name: 
Saleem Pothiwala