Dawoodi Bohra Web LInks
Title | Body | Visit |
Alvazarat | Alvazarat official website | www.alvazarat.org |
Busaheba.org | Website for muminaat. | www.busaheba.org |
Amatullahaai.org | Website for Muminaat | amatullahaai.org |
Taiseerun nikah (ITNC) | Official website of International Taiseerun nikah Committee. Dawoodi bohra matrimonial (shaadi) site. Has information on upcoming taaruf programs, Rasme saifee etc. | www.taiseerunnikah.com |
Mahad uz Zahra or Mahad-al-Quran | An Institute of Al Jamea tus Saifiyah,dedicated to the memorizing and study of Al Quran.It is currently holding online classes for the memorization of The Quran.It also has a 4 year Nisaab in Surat,during which Students will memorise whole Quran and will gain the barakat of ilm ale mohammed(AS).It is also conducting a Quran Camp in Suart this year.Online registeration and information available here.Also has a series of informative articles on Al Quran | www.mahadalquran.com |
Al Jamea Saifiyah |
Aljamea is the apex institute of the Dawoodi Bohra community whose spiritual leader is His Holiness Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin.; the 52nd incumbent of the vice Gerency of the Fatimi Imam Related websites |
www.jameasaifiyah.edu |
Faiz-e-Husaini (America) |
With doa mubarak of Aqa Maula (TUS) Faiz-e-Husaini (America) is performing khidmat in collaboration with Faiz-e-Husaini (International) to provide all necessary Khidmat to the North America Mumineen Hujjaj and Zowwar for the past two years. Faiz-e-Husaini's Khidmat includes, but not limited to: Arranging necessary haj visas for all mumineen in North America Arrangement of accommodation Arrangement of transportation Arrangement of Mawaid And all other arrangements to fecilitate the performance of Haj with itmenaan |
www.faizamerica.org |
Fayz e Husayni Trust Mumbai |
Faiz-e-Husaini's Khidmat includes, but not limited to: Arranging necessary haj visas for all mumineen Arrangement of accommodation Arrangement of transportation |
www.fayzehusayni.com |
BBCC- Economic Welfare of Mumineen | One small step can convert into a giant leap. The grand vision of The Burhaniyah Business Counselling Center is guided by the Supreme light. It’s a modest beginning and in the path of overall betterment the members of BBCC seek the blessings of Aqa Moula to be able to execute this compassionate vision. | www.bbcconline.org |
Saut Al Iman | Saut Al Iman. The voice of Iman. 27 years ago, by the raza mubarak and farman of alDai alAjal Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin TUS, Sadat Kiram started a project for cultural and spititual upliftment. It was named as the Voice of Iman. Today Mahad al Zahra holds on to the legacy and launches a one of its kind volume almost every year. This website also has News & events for Zakereen | www.sautuliman.com |
Hawaij - Online Arzi to Huzurala (TUS) |
www.hawaij.org |
Haj Registration |
All Mumineen who desire to perform Haj this year in 1430H to register their names on www.sigatulhaj.org This website shall open registrations from the 1st of Shehre Safar 1430H (27th Jan. 2009) till Yaume Milad un Nabi (SAW), 12th Rabiul Awwal 1430H (8th Mar.2009). |
www.sigatulhaj.org |
Attalim | Newly launched in July 2009 Attalim has Nisaab, Imtehaan, Tabudaat, Quran Audio to help in Hifz,Madresa etc. | www.attalim.net |
Ashara Mumbai 1432 Official Site |
The official website for Ashara Mubaraka 1432H is live at |
asharamumbai.com |
ITS 52 - Ejamaat | www.its52.com | |
Future Opportunities |
FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES is an initiative which encourages and supports young entrepreneurs to outperform the best leading businessman/professionals in their respective fields. |
www.its52.com |