How do I change my Account Settings/Password?

Once you have registered , you can change settings to control information about yourself and also your use and experience of To see what tweaks you can make to your account, log in and then click on my account in the light green bar below Aqa Moula's (TUS) picture. Click on the edit tab.

You can Change your Password,and other settings like recieving email notifications here.

In the My Account Page you will see detailed history of your activities and your user points.It is with this page that you can alter and enhance your utilization of BN.We hope that you are able to make the maximum of the services provided by us.

In the "View" tab,you will have a list of your membership history,user points that you earned by posting on the site and of the newsletters that you are subscribed to.

In the "Edit" tab you have your account information,change password and your status.

You can upload a picture that can be unique to you and will appear next to your username whenever you make a post on BN.

You can also create a signature that will appear with your post.

"Subscription Settings"-Checking this box allows you to be automatically subscribe to any thread you create or post a comment to.That is you will get notifications via emails to your inbox whenever there is a reply or comment to what you have posted.By checking on this it will help you manage your posts and its responses better and keep track of all you activities on BN.

"Contact Settings" -Checking this box will allow other users to contact you by e-mail via your personal contact form. Note your e-mail address is not made public to other members of the community.They will be able to send you emails if they need to contact you.

"Time Settings"-Chose the time zone you reside in,so that all the times displayed on the site will be of your time zone.

"Resend Validation Email"-Incase you havent recieved an email from BN for the validation of the email address that you used to register on BN,you can have it resend by clicking on this.You can also use this in case you want to change the email address you have registered with BN.

"My Notifications Tab"-We highly recommend that you use the first checkbox-the MASTER SWITCH-and enable your notifications from BN. This will help you to be in touch with all that is happening on BN, via email.

"Track"-  This page will display all your posts on BohraNet, so you can keep track of the same.

"Contact" -User of BN can use this tab to send you emails.